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Certain Gerund

Certain Gerund. Certain Gerunds Kata kerja transitif dimana objeknya berupa Gerund.(gerund = V-ing yang di fungsikan sebagai noun).

 Admit : He admitted stealing the money. (mengakui)

Advise: She advised waiting until tomorrow.(memberitahu/mempertimbangkan)
Anticipate: I anticipate having a good time on vacation. (mengharap/berharap)
Appreciate: I appreciate hearing from them. (menghargai)
Avoid: He avoided answering my questions. (menghindari)
Complete: I finally completed writing my term paper. (menyelesaikan)
Consider: I will consider going with you. (mempertimbangkan)
Delay: She delayed leaving for school. (menunda)
Deny: She denied committing the crime. (menyangkal/mengingkari)
Discuss: They discuss opening a new business. (membicarakan)
Dislike: John dislikes driving long distances. (tidak suka)
Enjoy: We enjoyed visiting them. (menikmati)
Finish: She finished studying about ten. (menyelesaikan)
Forget: I will never forget visiting her. (melupakan)
Can’t help: I can’t help waiting for you.(tidak tahan/tak berdaya)
Keep: I keep hoping he will come. (tetap)
Mention : She mentioned going to a movie. (menyukai)
Mind : Would you mind helping me with this? (keberatan)
Miss : I miss being with my family. (merindukan)
Postpone : Let’s postpone leaving until tomorrow. (menunda/menangguhkan)
Practice: The athlete practiced throwing the ball. (berlatih)
Quit : He quit trying to solve the problem. (berhenti)
Recall : I don’t recall meeting him before. (mengingat)
Recollect : We don’t recollect meeting him before. (mengingat kembali)
Recommend : She recommended seeing the show. (menganjurkan)
Regret : I regret telling him my secret. (menyesal)
Remember : I can remember meeting him when I was a child. (mengingat)
Resent : I resent her interfering in my business. (marah)
Resist : I couldn’t resist eating the dessert. (menahan)
Risk: She risks losing all of money. (mengambil resiko)
Stop: She stopped going to classes when she got sick. (berhenti)
Suggest : He suggested going to cinema. (menyarankan)
Tolerate : Harry won’t tolerate cheating during an examination. (sabar menahan)
Understand : I don’t understand his leaving school. (mengerti)

Certain Verbs To + Gerund
Kata kerja tertentu yang diikuti oleh preposisi “to” dengan Gerund sebagai obyek dari preposisi tersebut.
Accustom (VT): I should accustomed my team to working with you. (membiasakan diri dengan )
Allude (VI ): He was alluding to making affair with some women. (berbicara/menulis secara tidak langsung)
Confess(VI : She finally confessed to having stolen the money. (mengaku)
Confine (VT): We’d better confine them to debating about personality. (membatasi)
Dedicate (VT): She dedicates her life to helping the poor. (mempersembahkan)
Limit (VT): We limited ourselves to meeting each other too often. (membatasi)
Look forward (VI ) : We look forward to seeing you again. (mengharapkan)
Object (VI ): He objects to their entering the factory without permission. (Keberatan)
Plead guilty (VI ): They plead guilty to attacking the man. (memohon)
Reconcile (VT) : The high salary reconciled me to living abroad. (mencocokan)
Resign (VT): He’s resigned himself to never being able to walk again. (menerima nasib)
Resort (VI ): We have resorted not to taking our annual vacation. (bermaksud)
Revert (VI ): Revert to smoking when under stress. (kembali pada keadaan semula)

Adjectives To + Gerund
Kata sifat tertentu yang diikuti oleh preposisi “to” dengan Gerund sebagai obyek dari preposisi tersebut.
Accustomed: I’ m accustomed to sleeping with the window open. (terbiasa)
Addicted : I’ve been addicted to watching Premier Language. (kecanduan)
Averse : Some government officials are not averse to accepting bribes. (keberatan)
Dedicated : This work was dedicated to supporting the poor. (dipersembahkan/ditujukan)
Disposed : They are disposed to keeping our secret. (bersedia)
Given : He’s given to going for long walks on his own. (bersedia)
Opposed : They’re opposed to going on this plan. (tidak bersedia)
Used : My teacher’s driven me used to studying hard. (terbiasa)
Vi : verb Intransitif
VT ; Verb Transitif
Semoga bermanfaat @Alamyin, diramu dari berbagai sumber :)