Read, Write, and Do Something

No Teaching without learning

Menulislah agar abadi


Listen, free economic make better



CERTAIN KATA KERJA TRANSITIF, Salah satu hal yang kadang membingungkan dalam Tes Toefl adalah adanya certain atau kata-kata tertentu yang mempunyai pola tertentu. Hal yang sama juga dialami oleh peserta kelas TOEFL di Smart English Meeting. 

Oleh karena itu, beberapa certain diposting di site ini, mudah-mudahan dapat memudahkan kita semua dalam upaya meningkatkan skor Toefl.
Certain To Infinitives (1) Kata kerja transitif yang objeknya berupa To Infinitive.

Afford : I can’t afford to buy it. (mampu)
Agree : They agree to help us. (menyetujui)
Appear : She appears to be tired. (kelihatannya)
Arrange : I’ll arrange to meet you at airport. (mengatur)
Ask : He asked to come with us. (meminta)
Beg : He begged to go with you. (ingin)
Care : I don’t care to see that show. (mau/suka)
Claim : She claims to know a famous movie star. (mengaku)
Consent : She finally consented to marry him. (menyutujui)
Decide : I have decided to leave it on Monday. (memutuskan)
Demand: I demand to know who is responsible. (meminta)
Deserve: She deserves to win the prize. (berhak/pantas)
Expect: I expect to enter graduate school in the fall. (mengharapkan)
Fail : She failed to return the book to the library on time. (lalai)
Forget: I forgot to mail the letter. (lupa)
Hesitate: Don’t hesitate to ask for my help. (ragu)
Hope : Jack hopes to arrive next week. (mengharapkan)
Learn: He learned to play the piano. (belajar)
Manage: She managed to finish her work early. (berusaha keras)
Mean : I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. (bermaksud)
Need : I need to have your opinion. (membutuhkan)
Offer: They offered to help us. (manawarkan)
Plan : I am planning to have a party. (merencanakan)
Prepare : We prepared to welcome them. (mempersiapkan)
Pretend: He pretends not to understand. (berpura-pura)
Promise: I promised not to be late. (berjanji)
Refuse: I refuse to believe his history. (menolak)
Regret: I regret to tell you that you are failed. (menyesal)
Remember : I remembered to lock the door. (ingat)
Seem : That cat seems to be friendly. (nampak)
Struggle: I struggled to stay awake. (berusaha)
Swear: She swore to tell the truth. (bersumpah)
Threaten: She threatened to tell my parents. (mengancam)
Volunteer: He volunteered to help us. (suka rela)
Wait : I will wait to hear from you. (menuggu)
Want : I want to tell you something. (ingin)
Wish : She wishes to come with us. (berharap)

Certain To Infinitives (2) Kata kerja komplek transitif yang pelengkap objeknya (complement of object) berupa To Infinitive.

Advise : She advised me to wait until tomorrow. (menasehati)
Allow: She allowed me to use her car. (mengizinkan)
Ask : I asked John to help us. (meminta)
Assist : Assist young people to make their way in the world. (membantu)
Beg: They begged us to come. (menginginkan)
Cause: Her laziness caused her to fail. (menyebabkan)
Challenge: She challenged me to race her to the corner. (manantang)
Convince: I couldn’t convince him to accept our help. (meyakinkan)
Dare : He dared me to do better than he had done. (menentang)
Encourage: He encouraged me to try again. (menganjurkan)
Expect: I expect you to be on time. (mengharap)
Forbid: I forbid you to tell him. (melarang)
Force: They forced him to tell the truth. (memaksa)
Get :He got her sister to help him with his homework. (menyuruh)
Help :Will you help me to carry this box upstairs? (membantu)
Hire: She hired a boy to mow the law. (mengupahi/menyewa)
Instruct : He instructed them to be careful. (memerintahkan)
Invite : Harry invited the Johnson to come to his party. (mengundang)
Need : We needed Chris to help us figure out the solution. (butuh)
Order : The judge ordered me to pay a fine. (menyuruh)
Permit : He permitted the children to stay up late. (mengizinkan)
Persuade : I persuaded him to come for a visit. (membujuk)
Remind : She reminded me to lock the door. (mengingatkan)
Request : His friend requested him to sing a song. (meminta)
Require : Our teacher requires us to be on time. (mewajibkan)
Teach : My brother taught me to swim. (mengajari)
Tell : The doctor told me to take these pills. (menyuruh)
Warn : I warned you not to drive too fast. (memperingatkan)

General Certain Verb Transitif yang diikuti oleh to Infinitif.